We gratefully acknowledge our partners and sponsors for their support and cooperation.


International Impulse Forming Group - I²FG

The primary goal of the International Impulse Forming Group (I²FG) is to promote science and research in the field of impulse forming and to encourage international cooperation in this area. By providing and disseminating procedural knowledge, I²FG aims to increase awareness of the underlying physical phenomena, engineering process design, and associated technologies, thereby supporting their technical application.

The Group offers scientists, manufacturers, users, and other interested parties a platform for exchanging experiences and accumulating knowledge.

Contact information

I²FG secretary's office
Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Components
Technische Universität Dortmund
Baroper Straße 303
D-44227 Dortmund
phone: +49(0)231/755-2660
fax: +49(0)231/755-2489
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website: www.i2fg.org